Pollen from Wildflowers
Bees are hardworking and diligent. It takes a hive an entire trip around the earth to produce as little as two quarts of honey. Our bees labor through the summer months to stockpile their delicious, golden hoard from natural wildflowers and fireweed in the Talkeetna area. It is important to us that we keep our bees in a secluded area, far away from civilization. This helps ensure that our bees, and our honey, are free from pollution and pesticides. This natural approach to beekeeping can present logistical challenges, but the benefits far outweigh any inconvenience we experience from keeping our bees well off the beaten path.
Alaska fireweed honey is much sought after, but our honey is even better than simple fireweed honey, because our bees plunder nectar from fireweed, blueberries, currants, cranberries, raspberries, lilies and innumerable other wonderful species of Alaskan wildflowers. The honey our bees produce boasts subtle flavors of so many different wildflowers, it is no wonder our customers recommend it so highly. One repeat customer mentioned that before tasting our honey, she did not like honey at all. Now she only buys from us. Her glowing review is one example of many customers who have discovered the delicious flavor of our raw, organic Alaska honey from Talkeetna.
Because of the variety of wildflowers in the area, the collected pollen holds a wide range of nutrients, antioxidants and antibiotic properties. This not only provides a delicious taste to the honey, but natural health benefits as well. (See more about our honey’s benefits)